Howard Systems International, Inc. - Q/A Testing Services

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Howard Systems International, Inc.
Contact Info
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Howard Systems International
Corporate Headquarters
2777 Summer Street
Stamford, CT 06905

Phone: (800) 326-4860
Fax: (203) 324-7722
"Howard Systems International - Q/A Testing Services"
Nearly a decade ago Questcon Technologies was acquired by and integrated with Howard Systems International. The result has been a case study in effective expansion and clear direction---the combination of HSI’s talent acquisition abilities and Questcon’s methodologies, proven processes and depth of QA & testing expertise created a quality-focused organization more powerful than the sum of the parts. Questcon’s subject matter experts were nationally recognized as thought leaders in the industry. They had a broad portfolio of QA & testing solutions but lacked the size and investment ability to meet the demands of a national client base. HSI brought management oversight and guidance, financial resources and a growth-oriented business plan to the merger. We are now at the top of the quality assurance pyramid. We are completely “Client Focused—Solution Driven”.

an image Test Center of Excellence: Our Greensboro, NC, testing center houses a staff of American technicians who are recruited locally, trained by our subject matter experts, managed by experienced QA & testing project managers and overseen by our CTO. This onshore facility provides a cost-effective alternative to foreign service providers delivering at least a 2 to 1 improvement in productivity, same time zone, free of communications issues and the related problems. We know your information is vital to the health of your business—we treat it with the same degree of care as we do our own.

Questcon’s approach for assuring software quality is founded on the fact that the highest return on a company’s software investment is achieved when defects are identified and corrected at the earliest point in the SDLC. Our QuestAssuredTM methodology strives for total quality from Day One in the software development process. We know the impact of errors, the costs of response time degradation and system crashes and the downside impact these can have on your customers and users. That’s why we approach every engagement with the goal of Zero Defects.

I know that when an individual is pesented by you that the person will fit my needs both technically and professionally.
-Gene Shaeffer--IT Director, Alliance Blue Cross/Blue Shield
